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About Me
- Lee, Guan Aik
- Alor Star, Kedah Darul Aman, Malaysia
- Hi! I'm Lee Guan Aik (State Assemblyman for Kota Darul Aman state constituency Retired RMAF Senior Non Commission Officer/PC-7 Aircraft Engine Instuctor 1972-1991 Birthplace: Alor Setar Qualification:Senior Cambridge/Malaysia Cert.Education. Education:Sultan Abdul Hamid College, Alor Setar.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Kedah MCA has lost its sense of political direction
I have been observing that in recent months there were more and more reports on criticism and comments being made repeatedly by Kedah BN component parties agaist Kedah PR Governtment on the use of jawi script on business advertisement and billboards in Kedah. A few Kedah MCA leaders have repeatedly critising the State PR government and me for not doing something to stop the Pas leadership. Their comments implied that the state government is moving towards Islamic state policy.
Of course, in recent times we have been observing that in Kedah, the number of large advertisement billboards have been increasingly displayed by big companies to promote their products and services. We cannot deny that. But out of 10, maybe 1 or 2 of these billboards are either partially or fully having jawi script.
Touching a bit on the origin of jawi script writing, we must understand that jawi script have been used commonly a few hundred years as early as the Malacca Sultanate, and has since been the official administrative and royal language use since. Jawi sript originate from early arrival of Arabs/muslim traders to the Malay Achipelago. Even during the early British Malaya, jawi have been use side by side with romanised Malay writing. In fact jawi is an early Malay scriptwritng with sound and pronunciation similar to Bahasa Melayu. That is why we see early 1900 and even earlier period in the Unfederated Malay State in early Malaya, jawi is commonly used. Documents like birth certificates, land ownership certificate, agreements and even today we see some Malay language news media with jawi script still being used. Even Malaysian legal tender notes have jawi script on it. Do all non Malays ever realized it ?
All commercial billboard languages displayed have to go through our country’s language approval department. Because jawi script writing is an early bahasa Melayu and modern Bahasa Melayu had been romanised [ Bahasa Melayu rumi] had become Bahasa Malysia now.
The national and state authority do not reject or promote the use of jawi script on commercial billboard display. Big company may prefer to use jawi script on them if they so desire in addition to Bahasa Melayu rumi (Bahasa Malaysia)
On MCA Kedah leaders saying that I am protecting jawi script which imply that I am not supporting Mandarin had got it wrong. DAP and PR support the free use of mother tongue only to respect the official language, Bahasa Malaysia. We have to respect others desire to use jawi and at the same time to enable others to respect our mother tongue language, and it doesn’t matter whether it is Jawi, Chinese ,Tamil , Kadazan etc.
BN’s MCA should learn to be a responsible opposition in Kedah. Do not be politically bankrupt of what to oppose. Don’t lost sense of political direction. I find it very unfortunate for people like Kedah MCA youth leader, Bakar Arang MCA election coordinator and Kedah MCA deputy chairman to be lack of knowledge and had become so ignorant of history even having a party with UMNO for already 53 years !!!
They still did not know the status of jawi script writing.
DAP is a multi racial party and has all along been championing the use of all mother tongue languages in Malaysia. The 3 MCA leaders are beginning to be political hippocrite and now trying to protect Chinese language. Ijust want to tell them not to mislead the Chinese community in making comment on DAP and me of what am trying to mean., and to make it look as if I am protecting or promoting jawi script. I would like to tell them not to raise futher on issues like Jawi but instead learnt to serve the welfare of the Chinese and other community better instead., and that Jawi script had nothing to do with Islamic State.
On commercial advertisement board at business premises,
Billboard in jawi script is not a state or federal policy, and it is only the desire of the company involved. There is no rejection or restriction of other languages. This may be the choice of company, and in this case they may be targeting the majority muslim market for their products or services.
The 3 Kedah MCA leaders should not create confusion with the intention to confuse the public in believing that Kedah PR Government is promoting Islamic state policy.
Is the jawi billboard more serious than the problems and welfare of the people?
Kedah MCA and the rest of the BN component parties is still using religious and racial issues to stir up people’ emotion, will not work anymore. The Chinese community is not ignorant any more. MCA Kedah leadership have lost sense of direction now, by repeatedly raising race and religious issue on the jawi script issue for their political survival.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Majlis Penyampaian Pembayaran Wang Skim Kafalah Yang Di janjikan Kerajaan PR Negeri Kedah
Kerajaan PR Negeri Kedah sudah pun mengumumkan dan telah pun janji bahawa wang bayaran untuk perbelajaan urusan kebumian, di bawah skim Kifalah, akan di beri kepada waris yang telah meningal dunia tanpa apa sebab asalkan dia adalah dari golongan miskin tegar yang telah di daftar dalam senerai data dalam e-Sinar. pada hujung tahun 2009.
Demi keperhatinan kerajaan kepada rakyat yang sangat kurang bernasib baik, maka pada 5 hb Mei 2010, saya telah mengumpul sebanyak 6 permohonan yang pertama daripada waris yang telah pun meninggal dunia, untuk datang ke pejabat saya supaya menerima wang kebajikan tersebut.
Memang inilah janji kerajaan PR, akan tetapi,saya berharap sesiapa saja yang memperolehi pendapatan yang tidak melebehi Rm 720.00 sebulan ataupun jumlah pendapatan dalam satu keluarga itu, apabila di bahagikan kepada jumlah tanggungan dalam keluarga itu tidak melebihi Rm 180.00 seorang ahli keluarga, maka waris si mati boleh layak memperolehi wang skim kafalah ini daripada kerajaan melalui ADUN Kawasan.
Memperolehi wang ini sangat mudah setelah borang e-sinar di isi untuk pendaftaran kedalam senerai rakyat miskin tegar, satelah disahkan oleh Ketua Ketua Kpg./Komuniti kawasan, Penghulu Mukim dan Pegawai Daerah di mana pemohon ini beralamat.
Waris yang menuntut cuma perlu mengemukakan 1.Salinan sijil kematian yang disahkan, 2.Sijil permit penguburan yang disahkan, 3.Salinan kad e-sinar, 4.Salinan kad pengenalan, kemudian wang akan di keluarkan kepada waris yang menerima dengan mengisi baucer bayaran skim kafalah yang telah di isi dan satelah di akui sah Pegawai Daerah atau ADUN Kawasan.
Saya menyeru agar rakyat golongan miskin yang ingin bantuan skim kafalah ini di sekitar Kawasan Kota Darul Aman dan kawasan ADUN angkat Derga supaya datanglah ke pusat khidmat saya untuk berjumpa saya atau pembantu peribadi saya di No. 15, Tingkat Atas Taman Perindustrian Kristal, Mergong, Alor Setar, jika ad apa apa kesukaran berhubung hal ini.
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